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I'm really not that kind of a fan with Nicholas Sparks, but somehow his books inspire me in so many ways. My boyfriend told me one time that I watch too much movies about love, life and pain because he thinks I get too emotional when I handle things about our relationship. I don't think I too am though. I just watched "The Vow" again, and that movie hurts me all the time, like very much. I get too emotional watching it, it's like it hurts me ten times more than the way it was intended by the author to let the readers/viewers feel about the story. I admire how the character, Leo, was able to handle the things that happened after the accident, after his wife lost her memory. Everything she knows about him were gone, and if it happened to me I could have just killed myself in disbelief. It wasn't that easy, it never was, to be able to see someone you love go and leave you behind, helpless with no one to help you get through it.

"I choose to stay with him for all the right things he did. I choose not to leave him for that one mistake. I choose to forgive him." I love that line so much. Explains everything about staying strong and keeping a relationship. You know it's wrong when it's wrong, but sometimes you just have to be strong and believe that apart from everything that went wrong, a lot of things that happened were right.
There was a question in the movie, how do you feel when you see the one you love walk away? Me? I don't know, well, hurt eventually. But it's not just all about that. The memories are hard to forget. That's what memories are for, for you to remember. But how do you forget the ones you don't want to remember? I've felt that way before and I don't want it to happen again. I've through a tough time being in a situation with someone I don't know if we ever did have something you can call a relationship. 
Since then, I always tell myself that things happen for a reason, good or bad. There's always something that's going to happen in your life. It's inevitable. That's life. Like it or not we all have to live it and not waste it.


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