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Dear John

Something came to me this evening that I went on watching the movie "Dear John" again. I used to read that book over and over again until such time that it came out in film sometime in 2010. I was in Manila during that time it was showed in movie houses. I could relate, a little, because I was away from my long time boyfriend. We were about 3 years already, and during that time I was away because I choose to work in another city, though it's just a 1 hr and 20 min. ride in an airplane, we're still far from each other. In the movie, I felt how it was away from someone you love so much and someone you use to always be with in any time of the day. Though we were apart, communication was always present. I worked as a call center agent, so basically, I'm alive in the evening and stay dead asleep during daytime. I was not on the other side of the world but it felt like it. Familiar of the song "JET LAG" by Simple Plan and Natasha Bedingfield? It was exactly like it. As the song goes, "You say good morning when it's midnight....I wake up to your sunset..." it was really like that. During my days off we would actually take and an hour or 2 just talking to each other, sometimes we don't even take 15-30 min. on the phone, it would probably be either me or him ending up asleep and the headphones are still in our ears. I kinda relate to what the movie was all about, long distance relationship, patience, true love waits and more. They say long distance relationship don't last, and this was also portrayed in the movie. How two people who are madly in love with each other ended up not being together. I believe long distant relationship lasts. First on your TO-DO-LIST when you're away from someone you love is "COMMUNICATION". Two people cannot go on still loving each other without communication (well, sort of). Both must be very consistent in keeping in touch, like talking about their day (not really detailed), and sharing thoughts together just like what you do when you're out on a date, you can talk about a lot of things actually. Next would probably be "TRUST". By trusting someone doesn't mean you have to be so lenient, you also have to be aware of what's going on but don't think in advance. Of course, when you're new in the town, you'll have new friends and new places to go. So don't think that one is going out with some people you don't know doesn't mean they're out doing things you might not like, sometimes one tend to over think and that causes the problem with trusting each other. Lastly for me would be "PATIENCE". Believe me you have to have a whole bunch of patience. Patience in waiting for that day for to see each other again. That's always what I'm always looking forward for, everyday I count how many days left til we see each other again. So far we had all these 3 things, luckily, we stayed in love til now. Which by the way I hate in the movie, how the girl stopped sending letters, probably she got tired of waiting for someone who will actually come back but she just don't wanna wait. The other guy was never really an excuse, you're the only one who can always decide for yourself. And if it was something you did, you did it because you wanted it at some point though you might regret it in the end. And not everyone is given second chances like in the movie, most of the times what we do is only for now. And will never ever be undone again.


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