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Book/Movie review: The Hunger Games Trilogy

This is a late review of a recent movie I've watched, like about a month ago "The Hunger Games" and the succeeding books of the trilogy.

I love the story and the twists and turns of the plot. I like how they had Jennifer Lawrence took the role as Katniss Everdeen (the lead role in the story). I think she did well in portraying the character. What I didn't liked about the casting was Josh Hutcherson, the fact that he played as Peeta Mellark, I had a different impression between the Peeta in the book and the Peeta in the movie. In the book, I love how Katniss describes Peeta. I don't remember if it was stated that Peeta wasn't as good looking as Gale was but I understood that Gale was handsome but in the book Peeta was very good in speaking and convincing his listeners to sympathize him in many ways. But in the movie, the final interview portion, his lines were not as much convincing than they were in the book. Everything was great aside from that. Liam Hemsworth is a really good-looking guy (smiles =D) and I'm looking forward for more exposure in the next book

"Catching Fire". The second book is also action packed, very unpredictable and I got myself more engaged the story than the previous one. I've read it for like 4-5 days, I don't want to read it all in one day because I love the thrill the story gives and personally I want to look forward to another great twist day by day. Catching fire's got me hooked, specially the end part where I was left really hanging about the story, of how District 13 was still there all the time they thought it was a ghost town. Then, I cant wait to read the last book

"Mockingjay". I'm not going to spoil the story behind Mockingjay, all I can say is it is a MUST-READ! XD


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