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Happy tree friends PIG OUT!

As usual every payday we always try to eat out for
dinner and spend our money pigging out. *oink*
As for this time we're on a tight budget since Christmas is
fast approaching we still managed to pig out
at McDonalds. Almost all the time we're here
to eat. Since we prefer it than other fast food
chains out there.

Trying pose as Mr. Pogi. Hahaha.. courtesy of
Jericho Rosales. He's got the mind of these girls LOL
about it.

This is me on a diet. What?? haha! No. Actually,
I was already full. I had it with that day.
Eating almost every hour of the day! *oink*

And oh,yes! I bought these mini-fries. Cool isn't it??
I love it. It's a actually for my bag.

I have with me the best fries and the best
people in the world! COOL!



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