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Showing posts from June, 2013

Letting go

I've been staring at this blank page for a while already. It seems like I don't know where to start. I keep getting questions, why this and why that. Actually, I don't know what  happened. I got confused on the way things are going. It's not the first time that I thought about breaking up, I've been trying to open the subject many times already but somehow he managed to talk me out of it. The past six years was a roller coaster ride. It was fun. We've had ups and downs like any relationship does but never did we go to bed without fixing any problem we've had. It was the best six years of my life.  What I know is, when you're in a relationship this long, you have to always give more than what you always do. Sometimes, things get boring when you can't keep up with that scheme. I love him, I love our relationship, it means everything to me. But how can I keep on going when I know both of us cannot give anymore. Result is, we keep on disappoi

That SPECIAL day

Getting married? Hmmm, "Marriage" is such a big word. It comes with responsibility, trust, hard work, loyalty, respect, love and many more. When I get married, it should be with the guy I really love most. As for now, everything is still so blurry but that won't stop me from planning that day ahead of time. It was just a random thought for sometime already but it made me fancy more and more about every details on having that special day. Here's the few things I like THE WEDDING CAKE WEDDING GOWNS Got so many to choose from. HAIR DO I haven't really decided on that yet but yeah, here's a little glimpse of my upcoming wedding. Which is still to be announced because I still don't have my groom. Hehehe. I won't be the perfect Bride but I'll be looking fly! Hahaha


I'm really not that kind of a fan with Nicholas Sparks, but somehow his books inspire me in so many ways. My boyfriend told me one time that I watch too much movies about love, life and pain because he thinks I get too emotional when I handle things about our relationship. I don't think I too am though. I just watched "The Vow" again, and that movie hurts me all the time, like very much. I get too emotional watching it, it's like it hurts me ten times more than the way it was intended by the author to let the readers/viewers feel about the story. I admire how the character, Leo, was able to handle the things that happened after the accident, after his wife lost her memory. Everything she knows about him were gone, and if it happened to me I could have just killed myself in disbelief. It wasn't that easy, it never was, to be able to see someone you love go and leave you behind, helpless with no one to help you get through it. "I choose to stay with h