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Showing posts from 2012

What's waiting for me?

I actually don't know where to start. I have so many things in mind right now but to sum it all up I just want change. Change in how I do and live my life.It might be just me, that I'm all exhausted and everything, that may be just it but when I come to think of it my life has been too stagnant for some time already. A long period of time I bet. I kind of want to add something new and exciting in my life but I don't know where to actually start digging. It's a long a venue of life, I know. There's so much I think I can do but just can't. I want to do something exceptional. I want to live with music. I want to be good in my craft. I wanna do something I am good at. I want to sing, I want to write songs, have my own concert take pictures, put up my own business, create something remarkable, influence people, be an example. I don't want to be someone people just look up to, I want more than that, something relevant. Thinking changing my course

sweet nothings

Nothing much special. I had to do a lot of things for today but we still managed to hang out at the end of the day. We don't have much time with me each other lately,  we just see each other after work and drop me home. I really appreciate it when spends time with me even for just a while. That way I can see that he really wants to be around with me.  Iced coffee and fries...I dunno what got into his mind. Not my idea of a combination. 

Book/Movie review: The Hunger Games Trilogy

This is a late review of a recent movie I've watched, like about a month ago "The Hunger Games" and the succeeding books of the trilogy. I love the story and the twists and turns of the plot. I like how they had Jennifer Lawrence took the role as Katniss Everdeen (the lead role in the story). I think she did well in portraying the character. What I didn't liked about the casting was Josh Hutcherson, the fact that he played as Peeta Mellark, I had a different impression between the Peeta in the book and the Peeta in the movie. In the book, I love how Katniss describes Peeta. I don't remember if it was stated that Peeta wasn't as good looking as Gale was but I understood that Gale was handsome but in the book Peeta was very good in speaking and convincing his listeners to sympathize him in many ways. But in the movie, the final interview portion, his lines were not as much convincing than they were in the book. Everything was great aside from that. Liam

Zac Efron drove me nuts!

It was like a month ago when I first heard about Zac Efron's FIRST EVER product endorsement and surprisingly, he's endorsing a famous Philippine brand (PENSHOPPE). I'm really not a fan of their products but I got interested knowing this was his first time to endorse a product, yet he choose a brand not kinda know in his country. He even admitted in that interview that he's close to a lot of Filipino people in America. He loves ADOBO (of course). And here I am, seeing his photo, just when it was posted by this store branch they had in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, and I was like "AHHHH!! (kilig much!) haha..."  See the guy there?? He's not yet finished posting Zac Efron's name. And since I really can't help myself, I waited while that guy is done with posting his name and tada! I went to take a photo of me with him on background. LOVE IT!!!

♥♥♥ Happy ♥'s month ♥♥♥

"I like the way you annoyed me Because I know that you're thinking of me Thank you so much for the sweet words With you I feel like that i'm the luckiest Woman in the World." True love is not the number of kisses, or how often you get them, true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over.