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Showing posts from August, 2012

What's waiting for me?

I actually don't know where to start. I have so many things in mind right now but to sum it all up I just want change. Change in how I do and live my life.It might be just me, that I'm all exhausted and everything, that may be just it but when I come to think of it my life has been too stagnant for some time already. A long period of time I bet. I kind of want to add something new and exciting in my life but I don't know where to actually start digging. It's a long a venue of life, I know. There's so much I think I can do but just can't. I want to do something exceptional. I want to live with music. I want to be good in my craft. I wanna do something I am good at. I want to sing, I want to write songs, have my own concert take pictures, put up my own business, create something remarkable, influence people, be an example. I don't want to be someone people just look up to, I want more than that, something relevant. Thinking changing my course